Thursday, 23 May 2013


So i wrote my first post….. deleted it…….. and am now writing again! 
I really don’t know what to tell you on what this is going to be about because it is going to be about anything and everything! My own self discovery!!! 

I have always wanted to do all these amazing things like write a blog and make a youtube channel! And in the past 48 hours I have spent so much time on youtube watching all these amazing people with their videos and doing all these amazing things! It started by basically watching a youtube reviews video and seeing these twins (Jack and Finn) that i hadn’t seen before which then led me to their channel(Jacksgap), which in turn led me to someone else’s channel and so on and so forth. And anyway it finally inspired me to start my own channel and get on tumblr and just start opening myself up to more creative outlets! I have always been creative and why not try something different! Have some fun with it. 
So i guess i am just going to start off with 10 things about me!

1. I Love Musical Theatre
2. I Sing (a lot)
3. I Tap All The Time! (no matter where i am!) 
4. I have 2 very amazing best friends! (which are actually both guys)
5. My Mother Thinks I Am The Biggest Fag Hag Ever!! (probably true)
6. I Wish I Had Naturally Curly Hair
7. I Think My Best Feature Is My Lips
8. I Love The Beach But Hate Sand
9. I Have A Bubble Personality But Am Shy When Performing
10. I Have A Dog (Buffy) and 2 Turtles (Meeku and Crush)
I feel as though that is all for the moment! I will let you know when i post my first video! 

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