Sunday, 17 November 2013

My life of people!

I am starting this off with a warning, if you don't like sentimental, emotional things then i would not read any further. For those of you who do and those of you who would like to know about the type of people who make me who I am then please continue reading.

I have always been very lucky in the fact that I have had a great group of friends but there are two of my friends that are my chosen family! I honestly could not Imagine my life without either of them and they have helped me to be who I am! And so we will start with......


Jordan and I have been friends since I moved schools at the end of year 8. Although I guess friends isn't the word for it! We bonded in our first music class over Missy Higgins and I guess we got along quite well. As we started to get a bit older it became quite clear that we were no longer what you wool call friends. Jordan (lets not say hated me) strongly disliked me and we went through a good two years not really getting along. And then one day that all kind of went away. We became inseparable and realised that we were pretty much the same person but in 2 different bodies.

Jordan is kind but honest, he will always have your back, he is very loud! He has adopted my love for theatre and surpassed me! He is a fashionista or at least likes to think he is. We can sit around in complete silence watching a movie or we can be as loud as anything trying to control fits of laughter. We usually know what the other is thinking and are not afraid to tell each other exactly what is on our minds. But that is why we work.


Jack is a fairly new friendship. We have only been good friends for about a year but it feels like I have known him forever. He is in some ways the complete opposite of me. He is shy and sometimes awkward in social situations. But he is funny and smart and we are both complete bookworms! I still find it quite strange that we became such good friends. Usually you will do a show with someone and then you try and catch up afterwards but you feel like you really don't know anything about the other persons life anymore but with us it was different. We could be so content to sit and talk for hours about the most random things. He is my show buddy, the person that i can go with to watch a show or see a movie and know that they are not going to sit there ad ask ridiculous questions or make annoying comments.

I feel like I can trust Jack with absolutely anything and he would be entirely understanding and he would always be there to help me or anyone out. That is what I love about him. 

I thank you both for being absolutely amazing and the best friends I could ask for.
What are your best friends like? How did you meet?


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Saturday, 16 November 2013

Do you believe in magic?

Ok. So I am not talking about Harry Potter and I'm not going to pull out a wand and cast a spell on you. I am talking about Psychic's. I understand that there are a lot of people in this world who do not believe that people can have psychic abilities but I am not one of them. I like to feel like there is something pushing me towards the things that I want and i like to know if there are people out there helping me. Besides this fact there are many things that have happen whilst in a reading or after a reading that are too close to be a coincidence. Although in saying that I can understand why some wouldn't believe.

My mother had always been one of those people that had psychic readings and she loved to come home and tell me what she was told. So when I went to my first reading I was excited and nervous. The woman was lovely and she told me a lot of things that were true and a lot of things that did end up happening and of course there are some that didn't. But our future is not set in stone so i don't consider that a reason to believe she was lying. This woman was also a healer and I was in desperate need for some healing, I could feel it. She held my hands, I closed my eyes and all of a sudden her hands were burning under mine, I could feel something running through my body. She had warned me before hand that I would be tired afterwards but I hadn't really thought much of it. But as soon as it was finished I was in a daze, I got back to my hotel room and I fell asleep for 3 hours, I was exhausted.

At the beginning of this week my mother went to have her second reading from a new woman close by and for the second time the woman told her that she could not say anything about me, that I had to go and have a reading myself. So I did. It was great it had answered so many of the questions that I had been worried about before I had come in. Things that I was unsure of were suddenly clear and it reminded me of why I liked to come.

I am a believer. I like to believe that there is something out there helping me along and I like that when I walk out of a reading I am calm and that I am now not so worried about all the little things that had worried me before.

So tell me, Do you believe?


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Saturday, 5 October 2013

I love my curves!

In todays day and age everyone is talking about what diet is the best and how to lose weight the fastest. But I am here to tell you that losing weight fast is not the answer!!!

Everyone in society has some sort of issue with their body and that is completely normal, if we didn't at one point or another want to improve ourselves we wouldn't be human. But it is also important that we love who we are!

I have had a struggle with this just like every other girl. When I was growing up I was quite a petite girl! I had always been fit and healthy and absolutely happy with my body! I have been a dancer my whole life and I still consider myself a very healthy active person. I was quite content being a rather small size and didn't really think anything of the fact that my body might change as I got older. But I was 15 and who really thinks about that! I was quite a popular girl at school and I had always made friends easily because I considered myself easy to get along with and to be honest I am.

As I started to move into my late teens a lot of things started changing, the most noticeable thing was that I was putting on weight. I wasn't doing anything differently and if anything I was more active than I ever had been before. But because this started happening to me I started to get very down on myself. I started hating going to school and I started losing friends and didn't really want to be around anyone! I went from being someone who had enough confidence to share around to someone ho didn't even want to come out of my room. Whilst this was happening I started having massive mood swings I could be fine and then all of a sudden I hated the world. My mother and I started to have MASSIVE fights and I didn't understand why I was always angry.

Luckily things started to change, I had some amazing friends who would force me to get out and they were amazing in pulling me out of my shell. And I started to appreciate my life for what it was. I wanted to go out and have fun with the people who cared about me. I didn't want to sit inside wanting to change everything about myself.

By the end of Year 12 I was happy with who I was. I had an amazing group of friends and I was about to go out and find my place in the world. Don't get me wrong I still had those horrible days when I didn't like the way I looked and I compared myself to everyone else but then there were other days that I felt amazing in my own skin. I started doing a lot of community theatre and really found a place where I was accepted for exactly who I was.

In 2012, a girl I had met through a show I was doing convinced me to go to Philadelphia with her to work at a summer camp. So before I left to go I decided to go and see my doctor just to check up on anything that I needed before I left. I had always had trouble with my time of month and with migraines and such so my doctor sent me to a specialist to have an ultrasound. After the ultra sound I found out the I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. When finding this out it started to make a lot of sense. I had started putting on weight quite fast, I had developed bad mood swings, I could go from being fine to having such bad cramps that I could be curled up in a ball on the floor, and my migraines had just gotten worse. It was a hard thing to find out! But it helped me understand why these things had been happening to me. And all it is now is looking after it, going in to get shots and having an implant put in to administer the hormones that I am lacking.

But going through this has really helped me to love exactly who I am. I am not going to starve myself to be the perfect shape. And I can look at someone and think "oh I wish I looked like that" but then I realise we are different people, I am my own person. I am the perfect image of me! And if people don't like who I am then those people are not the people I want in my life. I hear a lot of girls talking about losing weight to find a boyfriend but if a guy can not accept you the way you are then he is not the right one for you! Sure! it would be great to be a bit smaller but I am not going to kill myself to try and get there. The best I can do is eat healthy and keep fit.

If you ever have those times that your find yourself comparing yourself to someone else remember that you're are beautiful just the way you are! People are drawn to others that are confident in their own skin. And remember you cannot love another until you love yourself!


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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Sweet Things

Someone once said to me "It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all" and when we think about it, it is all these small things that can lift our spirits even on the worst of days.

I wanted to this post because the last few days have really been characterised by these little things.

Friday night I got to watch my best friend play Vicomte Raoul de Chagny in Phantom of the Opera! And I was soo very proud of him. He did an absolutely wonderful job, he was so charming on stage he really did make the show which is exactly what Raoul is supposed to do in this Musical.
Overall it was quite a good show I loved the Phantom and Christine they did a wonderful job! The ballerina's really needed to learn to point their which made me a little upset! But the bad thing about going to watch shows when you have studied Musical theatre is that you really can't just sit there and enjoy, your mind is literally going 50 miles an hour picking apart every tiny detail!
Anyway I got see a few of my friends in that show and had quite a great evening!

Saturday I got up early and travel the hour and a half to Sydney to meet Tyler Oakley, which as you would probably know was amazing! After 3 and a half hours waiting in line we met him and Davey and it really was amazing!

The night saw me out at the local pub with my brother and his girlfriend! Mel and I had an amazing talk about life and such and I really love chatting with her because I feel like I can tell here absolutely anything and I know she will just listen and that she would do absolutely everything in her power to get me to where I want to be.

Since Sunday it has really just been a very chill week, filled with all these sweet things to brighten my day. A fresh Berry Banana Bliss smoothie, new nail polish, washing my puppy, late night vegetate toast, youtube, filming and re-organising my life!

What are the small things in your life that just make you smile?


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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Ebay, Etsy, Asos and the list continues.......

I would seem that in the last few months I have developed an online shopping addiction, and the more I try to stop the more I want to buy! I don't think it helps that I spend a lot of my time watching youtube videos that tell me about amazing products that I don't have that i then automatically think I need.

So what do I do, I open up a new browser search for the products and they magically appear on my screen! Then all I have to do is click a few buttons and its done! It is already being shipped from the US, the UK, Tokyo, China, India....... Then within a week it is on my doorstep which is just another excitement because its like getting a present! I get to unwrap it and everything!

No matter whether I need to buy the products or not I always seem able to talk myself into buying something. The exciting thing is that I have never had a moment of buyers remorse although now it would seem that I do not have enough room in my wardrobe to fit all the clothes I keep buying.

Not that it is just clothes. I will buy absolutely anything. The latest thing was Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patches, because obviously I needed them!!! I also received in the mail yesterday a beautiful new nail polish that i applied today which turned out beautifully!

And so it has now lead me to the fact that the next few days will be spent completely on a massive spring clean. I will be throwing out and selling anything that i DO NOT NEED! So that I have room for the massive shipment of packages I expect to receive in the next 2 weeks.

If nothing else this is all just a great way to completely reinvent my space, to start afresh, something i think every girl needs to do every once in a while. Which will give me a space to film my youtube videos properly, to edit, to think, and to create.

So all in all my addiction has lead to something amazing! A new beginning!


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Monday, 23 September 2013

Im Sorry!

So it seems that it time to start this blog again!

If you have read my previous posts you will know that I was leaving to work in the snow for 4 months and after those posts i seem to disappear.


My internet connection down there was NON - EXISTANT!!!!

So to recap everything that has happened in the last 4 months, I had soo much fun! I learn to snowboard although granted I was not very good! I went on hikes to some beautiful places and met some people that I will be friends with for the rest of my life. It was an amazing life changing experience.

But I am so happy to be home and being able to visit all of my amazing friends and family. Today I went to the beach with my best friend that I haven't seen in 3 months which was so much fun!The sun was out though the water was freezing!

I have finally posted my first ever Youtube video today which I am a little scared about but I will be posting a new video every week! So look out for those. I will post the link below!

Going away for the 4 months has really made me open up my eyes to all the amazing things I want to do in my life, which just makes me so happy, within the next year I would love to move to the UK and get a job over there. I have always wanted to go there and I would love to spend some time really immersing myself in the culture..... besides I have always wanted a white Christmas!

Anyway let me know in the comments what you have been up to in the last few months!    

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

First day! # 12

Today was my first day at work and I had to be up at 5am so that I could catch the tube at 6:30! It was a pretty good day, quite an easy job which is good!! We had a really slow day though because there is not much snow on the mountain! 

A girl I work with was really nice and her and I got along really well which is good :) 
I am utterly exhausted again so I am off to bed at 8:45pm. I'm turning into a grandma!!! 

What did you do today? 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

First ski in 6 years! Snap #11

So I planned to wake up fairly early today and get everything organized to start work tomorrow but it seems that it is quite hard to get out of bed when it is 1 degree which meant it was a bit of a late start! 

When I finally got up I got ready and headed to the ski tube where I received my staff pass which allows me free ski tube and lift access! I then went and found where I was working and then went back to my yurt got changed and headed out for my fist ski in 6 years! And I DIDNT fall over!! It was soo icy though! 

Staff pass :) 

Pretty river :) 

First step on snow!!!


A little bit if snow! 

What happened to my wheels?

Late #10

Driving driving driving! That was my day yesterday! It ended up taking me about 6 bourse to drive from thirroul to jindabyne! 
But the drive was stunning! I don't think I have ever seen such beautiful landscape! I also got to see an array of animals including some emu! 
I checked into my yurt ( apartment) and I was the only one in here for the night! By about 7:30 I was absolutely shattered and went to bed and put a movie on my laptop :) 

Here are some sights I saw throughout the day 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Snap # 9

Not much happening today! Packed my car!!! And I leave in about 7 hrs so that should be fun and now I'm just staying up to download some new songs and movies and get the directions up cause I have no idea where I am going!!!! 

But my photo today is of this awesome glass coke bottle that I got today! I thought it was pretty cool anyways haha 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Food, Football, Farewell! Snap #8

So I am a day late again although my day didn't finish till 3am! 

I started the day off with the usual laundry and cleaning! Then was picked up by my brothers girlfriend, Mel, and we went for lunch (although I ate breakfast) and I had the most amazing fresh juice called the Pink Lady! It was watermelon, orange, apple and passionfruit! Soo yummy! 

After lunch we went to watch my brother play football (rugby league). Whilst Mel and her friend Amy sat there chatting I sat yelling at the game! Turns out I'm a little more into football than they are! They ended up winning the game although my brother wasn't on the field for very long! 38 - 16!!!! 

After the game I went and got some nibblies and got ready for my best friends to come over for a cute little farewell gathering! 

We played some cards and had a little wine. Or a lot of wine! But it was a great night of many laughs! And when it came to 2:30am and everyone left I of course got a little sookie! But I am now quite excited to leave tomorrow :D! 

What did you get up to yesterday? 

I forgot to post! #7

Sorry guys but I really didn't get up to much yesterday and I was soo exhausted last night that I just crashed and forgot to post my photo for the day! 

So I have been breaking out with a few spots lately so I did a clay based peel mask last night! 

Clay masks are Great for your skin! The clay detoxifies the skin and draws out any infection which is what your spots are! 

Make sure when applying a peeling mask that you apply it generously as if you don't it will dry out to quickly and it will hurt when you are trying to peel it off! I actually prefer peeling masks as its less mess but make sure you still wash/cleanse your face afterwards! 

Sorry about the late post! But I have a few good photos from today that I will post later tonight! Xxx

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Snap #6 ll Cleaning!

Pretty much all I did today was pack and clean! And tonight I went to dancing and taught my last lesson before I leave on Monday! 

Here is my snap for the day... My half packed suitcase!!! 

What did you guys do today? 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Day #5 State of Origin

Today I went for another salt therapy session and then went to get my hair done!!!! But tonight it was State of Origin! If you are not from Australia State of Origin is the annual best of three series of rugby league football matches between Queensland and New South Wales! For the last 7 years Queensland has won. So it was the first game tonight and New South Wales won!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! 

So my photo today is of my origin snacks and me after we won!!!!!! 

What did you get up to today? 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Snap #4 ll Books

I love reading! But I am very particular about my books! I like them to be in a perfect condition! So when I lend someone a book I like it to come back just the way it left and if it doesn't, I go and buy a new one O_o 

In saying that I love buying old books and second hand books! Today I started reading one of these old books that I had bought that I have wanted to read for a long time! The Story of the Trapp Family Singers... The real story of the sound of music! I am already enthralled! 

Monday, 3 June 2013

30 Day Snap Challenge #3

Today I went for my first ever Salt Therapy session! Now it's supposed to help with all these amazing things but I went so that I'm all nice an healthy whilst I'm away! Now basically what it is is that you sit in a small room with the floor covered in a large amount of salt, the walls are covered in salt and then there is a small vent that is turned on that sends salt particles through the air! So here I was sitting on the little lounge in the room when the air vent got turned on and all of a sudden my nose was burning, all I wanted to do was sneeze and then if I tried to breathe through my mouth I wanted to cough! I was sitting in there thinking what the hell have I done to myself! But after the first initial 10mins I started to relax and just sat there comfortably with my eyes closed. Now little did I realize how much salt actually came out of the vent because when I open my eyes half an hour later I was WHITE! 

But I have another session on Wednesday so we will see how I go with that and see if it actually does anything!

After that lovely encounter I was supposed to be going shopping with my mother but ended up having to go for a shower first. And as you can see in the photo I bought ALOT! 

If your liking my blog click the +1 and leave me a comment! :D xxx

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Day 2 Snap Challenge

ISo today I am writing my blog on my phone which I have not actually done before so we will see what happens. 

I had a pretty relaxing day today just did a bit of a spring clean (in winter). But as I have said previously I am going down the snow and I leave in a week and it is actually my birthday whilst I am down there so today my sister came around with my birthday present which was a beautiful little pamper pack of all the things I will need while I am down there. 

In the pack: 

A big fleecy blanket
2 towels
Foot towel
Cleansing puff
Palmolive Shea body wash 
Make-up case 
Spotty tweesers and nail scissors
Maybelline super stay foundation :) 
Face wipes
Eye make-up remover wipes
Eyeliner sharpener
Maybelline falsies mascara :) 
Nutrimetics marble rouge
Diamanté eyelash curler
Maybelline line express eyeliner
Nutrimetics skin illuminator 
Nutrimetics eye palatte 

I thought it was a cute little surprise along with the fact that she is doing my hair (she is a hairdresser) before I leave :) 

What's a cute present that you have received? Something that someone has put a lot of effort into. Or maybe something you did for someone else? 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

1st day of the 30 Day Snap Challenge

This challenge was set by Sprinkle of Glitter ( ) and i think it is just a wonderful challenge! Basically the rules are that you must take a picture every day for the month of June. It doesn't have to be amazing photography, or be anything too elaborate just something that shows anything from the day!

So tonight I went out for dinner with my mother and sister to this AMAZING Lebanese place, Samara's, where we had the most amazing food! Then for dessert we went to San Churro which was definitely yummy but very rich! And afterwards went to see The Great Gatsby!

The film was spectacular! I loved every moment of it! Especially the fact that a great friend of mine, the one who did the cabaret i talked about in my second post was an extra in Gatsby and there is a few great shots of him in the first party scene! I was so excited when I saw him it was brilliant! If you go to see the film in the first party scene when Elizabeth Debicki's character Jordan is making her way through the crowd my friend is on the right hand side and looks back at her! So exciting to see one of your friends in something so amazing even if its only for a slight second!

Anyways it was such a wonderful night and a beautiful beginning to June!

Goodnight all xxx

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Simple Pleasures

Do you ever have one of those days that even the simplest things seem soo enjoyable!
Today was one of those days. I really did nothing spectacular! I was craving a pomegranate! which ended up being delicious! And then did nothing of consequence until dance class and teaching.
After which I went to a friends place, ate beautiful home made soup and played cards till quite late.

But it is these things that I love! And it is also these things that I feel I am going to miss whilst I am away! But i know that this blog and keeping up with my youtube posts will help.

I have always been one of those people who make friends easily. Mainly because I am quite an outgoing person and i really don't have anything bad to say about anyone. I easily forgive people, which can be a major issue because i end up eating hurt all over again but I am definitely a glass half full person! And so it seems that i really shouldn't be worried about not knowing anyone but for some crazy reason I am.

I am sure that once i get there i will be so excited about the whole thing that i will soon forget all of that but with it getting closer and closer I feel like everything is going a little crazy.

I am getting soo excited/ soo scared to upload my first video but I am hoping i will Put it up tomorrow and we will see what happens. Check it out! Subscribe!

Monday, 27 May 2013

A Magical Experience

I was reminiscing today about my trip to the US last year and came across these photos from the Philadelphia Magic Gardens. It was my first week in America, I was by myself and it was the furthest i had ever been away. I was so excited to be in this amazing country and it was a trip that i had been dreaming of my whole life. 

I remember trying to find some exciting things to do in Philadelphia and I came across the Magic Gardens. It was this beautiful man made maze that was completely tiled and painted and any type of creativity that you could think of. And the most beautiful part was that most of what made up this space was what everyone else would call junk! But to the man who created it and definitely to me, It was this spellbinding work of art. I spent 3hrs that day wandering around this small maze and every time i walked through i would that find something completely different caught my eye. I could just sit in this space and think and be so wonderfully inspired. 

It wasn't until my 3rd or 4th trip around the space that i started to notice all the notes and wishes that people had placed in the bottles and glasses and in every nook and cranny. And to me it felt at first a little invasive of me to look and read what these people had written. But the words were so truthful to my life that it seemed to me as though in some crazy way, I was supposed to find them. In turn, I then left my own words of wisdom behind and I wonder how many people have seen them and been inspired to do something or even write down their own words. Did my writing become imprinted in their soul as the others did mine or did they echo out of an unwelcoming mind?

Now thinking back on my whole trip, it truly was the most amazing thing I have ever done! I met so many amazing people and have friends all over the world. I cant wait for my next amazing adventure because i can just feel that i am meant to have so many more! 

What was your greatest adventure? Or what is the adventure that you cant wait to take?

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Parents and Technology

Do you ever notice that your parents really have no idea about things this century.

My parents seem to only need to touch technology and it dies! And then of course I get blamed with the whole "It was working before you touched it!" But yet I am the only one that can fix anything in this house.

My dad is the worst. He always tries really hard but he just doesn't get it. On top of the fact that he doesn't understand anything he is also the only one in the house that doesn't have Mac products! Now I havnt used anything but mac since I was .... I don't even know. But he is always wanting to learn new things and asking me questions, which I am happy to teach but because I don't use those products i need to figure it out myself first so that I can teach him. Apparently he doesn't understand this and get so frustrated that i cant just show him straight away and so in turn i get frustrated at him.

My mothers biggest problem is with the Internet. Anytime the internet decides to slow down a tiny bit or maybe even when a server is busy all you hear is "Kirra, the internet is broken again" because apparently its really hard to go into the next room and check that the signal lights are on at the modem or to turn a switch on and back on.

Just recently we had a massive problem with our internet and my dad works in another state so he wasn't home (plus he would have no idea how to fix anything) and basically my mum had no idea. So I had to call our service provider who then in turn couldn't tell me anything because everything was under my dad's name.
Im sorry but why would my dad not put me down as a person they could talk to when he knows that I am going to be the only one that can deal the issue.

It just seems like common sense does it not?

But I love them! Even if they do drive me absolutely insane!

Saturday, 25 May 2013


Do you ever have those moments that someone completely surprises you?
I just did.
My best friend told me something that I already knew but that he was finally comfortable enough to talk about it with me.
Now you may think that it is odd that your best friend would not be comfortable enough to speak about certain things with you so maybe I should tell you a little more about him.

He is actually one of the sweetest guys i know! But he is very shy almost to the point of socially awkward but not quite, and i think its one of my favourite things about him. As I am the complete opposite and am really outgoing, so we compliment each other nicely. I actually don't even know how we became friends. He is amazingly talented and I am always in awe of how utterly brilliant he is. But because he is so shy it has takes him a while to be able to tell you everything he is thinking and tonight he opened up about something that I am sure he has tried to say many times before.

When something like that happens its like a door opens and finally there are all these conversations that we had never been able to have ... that we now can! It makes me feel so excited that someone would feel so comfortable with me that they would want me to know absolutely everything about them.

"A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity" - Robert Hall

Friday, 24 May 2013

Heyyy Everyone,

So tonight I had the amazing opportunity to watch one of my amazing friends in his own cabaret. Crazy I know. So anyway this friend of mine is only 21 and he has already done all these amazing things like he was in the cast of Wicked touring Korea and Singapore. And overtime i watch him i just get so amazingly inspired but that the same time a little not upset but i guess annoyed with myself. I mean I want to be doing that and i feel so far away from it that it may never happen. At the same time I am so excited that i am starting to write this blog and start a Youtube channel and i just think it will be a really amazing way for me to open up a little bit more. Because as I said I am such a bubbly person and i love meeting people and I talk non stop so this should be a lot of fun and a brilliant new creative outlet.

I started filming my fist video tonight and I am having soo much fun with it! I am starting with a 50 facts about me video because what better than to introduce myself to all of you!

Along with me starting all these amazing things I am heading down to the snowy mountains in 2 weeks to work for 3 months. Which is superduper exciting but also scary at the same time. I am actually more scared to go down there for 3 months than i was when i was going to the US for 3 months last year! But Im also pretty excited at the fact that i will be saving money and hopefully going travelling at the end of the year! I would really love to go back to the US but i also want to travel Europe as i have never actually been! It is going to cost me a fortune no matter where I go just because Australia is actually in the middle of NOWHERE! And I didn't quite realise that until I went to the US because everyone kept saying how far away it is!

Thursday, 23 May 2013


So i wrote my first post….. deleted it…….. and am now writing again! 
I really don’t know what to tell you on what this is going to be about because it is going to be about anything and everything! My own self discovery!!! 

I have always wanted to do all these amazing things like write a blog and make a youtube channel! And in the past 48 hours I have spent so much time on youtube watching all these amazing people with their videos and doing all these amazing things! It started by basically watching a youtube reviews video and seeing these twins (Jack and Finn) that i hadn’t seen before which then led me to their channel(Jacksgap), which in turn led me to someone else’s channel and so on and so forth. And anyway it finally inspired me to start my own channel and get on tumblr and just start opening myself up to more creative outlets! I have always been creative and why not try something different! Have some fun with it. 
So i guess i am just going to start off with 10 things about me!

1. I Love Musical Theatre
2. I Sing (a lot)
3. I Tap All The Time! (no matter where i am!) 
4. I have 2 very amazing best friends! (which are actually both guys)
5. My Mother Thinks I Am The Biggest Fag Hag Ever!! (probably true)
6. I Wish I Had Naturally Curly Hair
7. I Think My Best Feature Is My Lips
8. I Love The Beach But Hate Sand
9. I Have A Bubble Personality But Am Shy When Performing
10. I Have A Dog (Buffy) and 2 Turtles (Meeku and Crush)
I feel as though that is all for the moment! I will let you know when i post my first video!