Saturday, 5 March 2016

How to Tumblr.

What is Tumblr ?

This is the question in my head everyday. I just don't get it. and I'm not sure how to get to the point that I understand what I am doing on tumblr.

I mean when you first start out on tumblr it is pretty much a blank slate. So how do you start. I mean I started by looking for my favourite Youtubers and going from there but then what do I do? what do I search for?

Honestly it is getting to the point that I am thinking I need a Tumblr for Dummies handbook because I just don't understand it. But it is also safe to say that when I first joined Facebook (back in the day that Myspace was all the rage) I did not understand it at all. Plus the fact that I was one of the first of my friends to even have Facebook and look what happened Facebook became the norm and I sill have a Myspace account floating out in the web but I can honestly say I do not know how many years it has been since I stopped using it.

Will that be what happens to all of our social media?

I am getting a little off topic here but basically the need to figure out Tumblr is real and considering I have had the account for years and still have no idea what Im doing is an issue!

Does anyone else have this problem?


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Twitter - @kirrajade
Instagram - Kirrajadeee
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Blog -

Sunday, 7 February 2016

5 things I have learnt about living in London

So there are many things that I am learning now that I am living in london and I thought I would share a few.

1) 2 in every 3 people are smokers! I swear I walk down the street and everything seems to be covered in a thick layer of smoke. I look one way and someone is lighting up, I look the other and smoke is being blown in my face.

2) British people like to not pronounce words the way they are spelt. It is completely normal for them to completely skip over syllables in the middle of a word. The worst is when they do it to the names of places.

3) Of all the people I have met so far in london, none of them are british. everyone is foreign.

4) Women wear a dress with trainers. Now I know you would like to be comfortable on your way to work but Trainers and a dress are never a good look.

5) It costs a fortune to get around! The tube cost is ridiculous!!!!!!