When you travel and people find out you are Australian there is always this love that australians seem to get. People say we are laid back, friendly and accepting. But when I look around I'm not sure that I always see that.
Not only can we apparently not decide on someone to govern us. But we live in a nation that is supposed to be free and all we seem to do is shut out people that are different from us.
Tonight as I was strolling through my Facebook feed I found that a family member had posted this picture
And I was disgusted that someone I knew would post something like this, let alone someone that is a part of my family. apart from the fact that Muslim is a religion not a race, I thought that we were moving on in the world but then I wake to find that people are still as close minded as they have always been. that people are still so hypocritical.
Who can we really call Australian? The Indigenous people ... of course. But really we don't call them Australian. We call them Aboriginal. But really everybody else is an immigrant, most of us came from convicts. So then you have the people who say "Well I am Australian because my Grandparents were born here" But someone else is called a Wog or worse because they are only second generation. So how many generations do you have to wait before you can say "I am Australian!"
My family Heritage in Pakistani/Indian and English... but I am at least the fourth generation born in Australia. so am I Australian? I don know a whole lot about my heritage because or family lost contact before I was ever born and I envy the people I know that are so knowledgeable of their roots. I don't know a single thing about Pakistani Heritage! And I guess some people would say that I am lucky that I do not look Pakistani at all and so i never got teased about looking different.
What about fairer skinned Immigrants, I tend to find that we only have something bad to say about the Australians that look different. That are not what you would call typically Australian. So who would you call Australian and who decides?
Just remember that our National Anthem says "For those who've come across the seas, we've boundless plains to share" We are seen as a Multicultural society, so why can't we start acting like one?
Please people think about what you are saying! Make a conscious decision to be kind, to be accepting, to be Australian.
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