Monday, 29 September 2014

Start Again

Ok I have come tho the conclusion that this blog needs a RESET button! 

So here it is. 

I am the type of person that always wants to put herself out there, to try something new. But i start and then I get lazy and i start to second guess myself. Which I know we all do but I am really bad at getting myself out of that slump. 

For the past few weeks I have been house/puppy sitting for some family friends and it has just given me a new look to stop saying to myself "oh it will happen one day" and actually do it TODAY! Something about being out of my house and living in a beautiful place with a stunning view and being able to call the shots in my own life has made something click in my brain. It has made me evaluate what I want in my life and what I need to do to make it happen.

And so here is the list of things I want:

I want to be fit and Healthy. 

I want to be Happy.

I want to update my blog at least twice a week. 

I want to upload a new Youtube video every week. 

I want to be organised. 

I want to have more 'me time'.

I want to do random acts of kindness.

I want to be a first rate me not a second rate somebody else. - Thank you Tyler Oakley!

I want to let go. 

And so I start. Not tomorrow, not it a weeks time but TODAY! And I urge everyone out there who is in a bit of a slump to get there and do the same. Figure out what is truly important in your life and make sure you are giving yourself enough time to truly appreciate it! 

Be who you are because there is no one in the world as unique as you! 

Monday, 17 March 2014

Books Galore!

Well its safe to say I love reading. I like the way i can read a book and be completely transported into another world. I can become the main character of the story or feel like I am watching from above.

There is nothing better than the feel of the pages underneath your fingertips.Curling up withe a blanket a cup of tea and a book. Being able to see how far you have read and when you are getting close to the end that feeling that you just don't want it to be over. People keep telling me that an e-reader is amazing but i truly don't think anything could beat the feeling of holding a book in your hands and turning a page. 

So three times a year there is a local book fair to raise money for the Lifeline charity where people have donated their second hand books and you then purchase them and all the money goes back to the charity. My mother and I try to go at least twice a year and as it was the fair was on last weekend and I think we went a little bit overboard. 

My mother and I went on the morning of the first day of the fair and 2hrs later I walked out with 17 books. I know for most people quite a big number but for me this seemed pretty normal as I tend to read quite fast. But then my sister then decided that she would like to go on the last day of the fair, which is half price day, and this is when things went wrong by the end of the day we had counted up our books and between the three of us we had bought 143 books, 41 of which were mine. Oops! 

I must say I have already finished one of the books in 2 days so hopefully it doesn't take me too long to get through them all. 
My pickings from the weekend 

If you have a favourite book let me know! I would love to read some of your suggestions.

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Monday, 20 January 2014

Pay it Forward

To start this year off in a loving way I’m participating in this Pay-It-Forward initiative: 5 people that comment on this with "I'm in", will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year - anything from a book, a ticket, a visit, something home grown or made, a postcard, absolutely any surprise!

There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy.

These five people must either make the same offer in their FB status or blog and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text so we can form a web of connection and kindness.

Let's do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other. Here's to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love filled year. 

Even if you don't want to commit to giving 5 people a gift, try just doing something nice for someone and not respecting anything in return.

Try it out! 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Things I Learnt In 2013

It gets to the start of a new year and people start to look back and realise that another year has passed and most of us are still stuck in exactly the same place that we started the last year. Of course then we start to feel cup half empty but i have decided to look at this last year as a learning experience. I have decided to be a glass half full person. 

And so in light of this situation i have come up with a trivial list of things that I have come to learn in the past year. 

1. You can put almost any food item in between two pieces of bread and it will taste amazing! 

2. I suck at keeping New Years Resolutions.

3. Painting your nails can be fun.

4. Its ok to sometimes be a diva. 

5. Pamper yourself, it makes you feel better. 

6. Cheap wine can taste better than expensive wine. 

7. I like eating junk food every now and then. 

8. Warm pineapple should NEVER happen!

9. The more expensive someones car sound system, the cheaper their taste in music.

10. Nothing ever beats Tequila.

So that is my list of random things that i have learnt. Let me know if you agree or even if you have any of your own! 

Catch you on the flipside. 


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