Sunday, 17 November 2013

My life of people!

I am starting this off with a warning, if you don't like sentimental, emotional things then i would not read any further. For those of you who do and those of you who would like to know about the type of people who make me who I am then please continue reading.

I have always been very lucky in the fact that I have had a great group of friends but there are two of my friends that are my chosen family! I honestly could not Imagine my life without either of them and they have helped me to be who I am! And so we will start with......


Jordan and I have been friends since I moved schools at the end of year 8. Although I guess friends isn't the word for it! We bonded in our first music class over Missy Higgins and I guess we got along quite well. As we started to get a bit older it became quite clear that we were no longer what you wool call friends. Jordan (lets not say hated me) strongly disliked me and we went through a good two years not really getting along. And then one day that all kind of went away. We became inseparable and realised that we were pretty much the same person but in 2 different bodies.

Jordan is kind but honest, he will always have your back, he is very loud! He has adopted my love for theatre and surpassed me! He is a fashionista or at least likes to think he is. We can sit around in complete silence watching a movie or we can be as loud as anything trying to control fits of laughter. We usually know what the other is thinking and are not afraid to tell each other exactly what is on our minds. But that is why we work.


Jack is a fairly new friendship. We have only been good friends for about a year but it feels like I have known him forever. He is in some ways the complete opposite of me. He is shy and sometimes awkward in social situations. But he is funny and smart and we are both complete bookworms! I still find it quite strange that we became such good friends. Usually you will do a show with someone and then you try and catch up afterwards but you feel like you really don't know anything about the other persons life anymore but with us it was different. We could be so content to sit and talk for hours about the most random things. He is my show buddy, the person that i can go with to watch a show or see a movie and know that they are not going to sit there ad ask ridiculous questions or make annoying comments.

I feel like I can trust Jack with absolutely anything and he would be entirely understanding and he would always be there to help me or anyone out. That is what I love about him. 

I thank you both for being absolutely amazing and the best friends I could ask for.
What are your best friends like? How did you meet?


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Saturday, 16 November 2013

Do you believe in magic?

Ok. So I am not talking about Harry Potter and I'm not going to pull out a wand and cast a spell on you. I am talking about Psychic's. I understand that there are a lot of people in this world who do not believe that people can have psychic abilities but I am not one of them. I like to feel like there is something pushing me towards the things that I want and i like to know if there are people out there helping me. Besides this fact there are many things that have happen whilst in a reading or after a reading that are too close to be a coincidence. Although in saying that I can understand why some wouldn't believe.

My mother had always been one of those people that had psychic readings and she loved to come home and tell me what she was told. So when I went to my first reading I was excited and nervous. The woman was lovely and she told me a lot of things that were true and a lot of things that did end up happening and of course there are some that didn't. But our future is not set in stone so i don't consider that a reason to believe she was lying. This woman was also a healer and I was in desperate need for some healing, I could feel it. She held my hands, I closed my eyes and all of a sudden her hands were burning under mine, I could feel something running through my body. She had warned me before hand that I would be tired afterwards but I hadn't really thought much of it. But as soon as it was finished I was in a daze, I got back to my hotel room and I fell asleep for 3 hours, I was exhausted.

At the beginning of this week my mother went to have her second reading from a new woman close by and for the second time the woman told her that she could not say anything about me, that I had to go and have a reading myself. So I did. It was great it had answered so many of the questions that I had been worried about before I had come in. Things that I was unsure of were suddenly clear and it reminded me of why I liked to come.

I am a believer. I like to believe that there is something out there helping me along and I like that when I walk out of a reading I am calm and that I am now not so worried about all the little things that had worried me before.

So tell me, Do you believe?


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